Community where hygiene practices and nutrition knowledge is well practiced, tend to remain healthy for growth of children.
We always receive cases of children in need of health checkup, clinic follow ups and in need of major operations. We advise parents and guardians the importance of enrolling for National Hospital Insurance Fund which extends its cover to their children. We also organize with relevant authorities in administering deworming.
A basic Hygiene practice is important to healthy growing of children and it is in this regard we regularly train children on body hygiene. After trainings the arising need of soap, sanitary pads and inner wear for both boys and girls are issued using need based approach by our social workers.
Our approach on Nutrition is based on trainings on food hygiene and food preparation methods so as not to lose nutritive value. We also train through demonstration on importance of kitchen gardening and issue guardians with garden bags which is ideal for planting leafy vegetables for their households.
We also intervene into needy cases of mother and child mostly on their 1000 days after conception. We target pregnant women below 25 years of age with little knowledge on pregnancy, parenting/bonding, nutrition, hygiene, pre & post natal clinics and vaccinations.