Micro lending program started in the month of March 2011 through a grant from one of our partners GNU foundation. It empowers guardians who have small business to access credit repayable at a low service charge. The service charge earned is used to facilitate trainings on issues affecting their business.  Since its inception, quality of life in many household has improved by reducing poverty and enabling them register for affordable health Insurance (N.H.I.F) for themselves and their families. Their mode of organization is formed under cohesive groups where weekly meetings are done. The activities that take place during their meetings include loan repayments, savings and sharing of business ideas.

Seed Capital It is a small donation in kind given to guardians to enable them start a business or improve their economic activity like farming so as to be able to provide arising basic needs for their children. Targeted beneficiaries are guided on their idea and asked to make certain contribution towards it.

Small scale farming – Social economic empowerment program requires trainings to enable those practicing small scale farming learn improved farming techniques, fertilizers/compost, crop protection, nutrition/kitchen garden and bag gardening. This has assisted them increase production.

Those in business and looking forward to start a business are trained on business planning, book keeping and marketing. This intervention is also combined with beneficiaries in both seed capital and microloan intervention. These trainings have helped raise the rate of success.


Social Economic Empowerment Program